

Rest assured that we always offer reliable, efficient, one-off or regularly scheduled window cleaning in Sunderland, Manchester, Newcastle, Carlisle, London and throughout the UK.

We use both the traditional technique of ‘mop and blade’, and the modern ‘Reach and Wash’ system. The Reach and Wash system is an extremely efficient system, offering a ground level solution that eliminates the need for ladders, giving us enormous flexibility in the types of buildings we can clean; particularly where access is limited. It is faster, cleaner, better for the environment and risk free, which continuously delivers a flawless finish, even when working at a height.

Before work begins, a Leads Vendor area supervisor will conduct a risk assessment and provide method statements for the work quoted. All our members of staff are well trained to ensure the safe and effective use of our powered access equipment whilst working at height, making health and safety the top priority.

Whether you have a single or multi-storey building, or a more specialist, hard-to-access facility, our team can deliver an immaculate finish inside and out.

Contact us

To make an enquiry about our services, by completing the form below.